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Astrology through the lenses of the scientists... (thought experiment).

REPORTER: What is the importance of stars?
PHYSICIST: Stars are powerful sources of energy and objects with a strong gravitational field. They emit energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, and the most commonly known example of such waves is light.
REPORTER: What is the importance of the Sun for human life?
PHYSICIST: The Sun, like every star, is a huge nuclear reactor in which the processes of particle collisions and their decay take place all the time. As a result of this process, huge amounts of radiation are produced, including thermal radiation. The appropriate distance of the Earth from the Sun means that the energies emitted by the Sun optimally heat and illuminate the Earth.
BIOLOGIST: The Sun is the main source of energy for life on Earth. Plants draw energy from light, and life develops on our planet thanks to the appropriate amount of heat given off by the Sun. Plants that store solar energy in their tissues are eaten by herbivorous organisms, which then serve as a meal for carnivorous organisms. Any organism that dies is broken down into simpler compounds by bacteria and fungi. These simple compounds are then absorbed by plant roots, which use them, along with sunlight and water, to build tissues. This is how energy circulates in nature.

REPORTER: What is the importance of electromagnetic waves and radiation reaching the Earth for organisms living on it?
PHYSICIST: Electromagnetic radiation carries energy of a specific frequency. Depending on the amount of energy carried, the radiation takes the form of radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, light waves, UV radiation or gamma radiation. Most of the radiation reaching the Earth is filtered by its electromagnetic field and atmospheric layers such as the ionosphere. This is why when strong waves from the Sun reach the Earth, aurora borealis may appear in the sky.
BIOLOGIST: I would like to add that gamma radiation is an important factor causing mutations. Mutations are random changes in our DNA that lead to the development of new features in living organisms. Mutations are the main source of evolution. They increase the diversity of life on Earth and cause the phenomenon of natural selection. For example, if a mutation is created that produces light-colored mice in a bright environment, it will be easier for them to blend in and avoid a predator than for dark-colored mice that contrast with this environment.

REPORTER: Can radiation coming from space be a source of changes in our DNA and a driving force of evolution?
BIOLOGIST: Absolutely. However, it is worth noting that excessive amounts of radiation are highly harmful to living organisms.
PHYSICIST: Correct. It is worth adding, however, that thanks to the fact that the Earth reflects most of the radiation reaching from space, life on Earth is possible.

So we see that the energy of the Stars actually has an impact on human life on Earth. Radiation causes "random" mutations. There is a tool that can determine the direction of changes taking place within you and the changes taking place throughout the planet. As it turns out, it has been known for thousands of years that the energy of stars regulates all life processes. It was known that this was not random and a whole system and science was created to study how these changes occur. This science is ASTROLOGY. Yes, Astrology is a science. The fact that it ambitiously reaches towards the interpretation of cosmic energy does not make it just a belief. It is based on experience. Everyone can make their own experience with Astrology. The only "but" is that there are plenty of misleading sources of astrological knowledge that are actually not reliable and mislead people. However, I researched different sources and different systems to find the one that had the greatest potential to help other people. My mission is to help other people. My mission is to support planetary evolution in a way that promotes life without suffering.

If you would like to see how a tool with several thousand years of human experience works in practice, I invite you to an individual session. There I will help you understand yourself, solve problems, reveal the keys to success and tell you a little about the energies approaching your life.

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