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Basic rituals to strengthen and purify your energy field.

Updated: Jan 17

Czy znasz jakieś podstawowe techniki obrony przed czarną magią, złą intencją, atakiem pyshicznym lub niskowibracyjnymi bytami? Jak można wzmocniś się duchowo? Czy istnieją jakieś szybkie i skuteczne metody?

The Ritual of the Blue Lightning is a beautiful way to cleanse space and elevate your own energy. Remember that spiritual practices are individual, and it's always worthwhile to adapt them to your beliefs and needs. Here is a modified version of this ritual:

1. Light the Candle:

   - Choose a candle in the color blue.

   - As you light it, focus on the flame and say: "Miraculous Element of Fire, I ask you to absorb and burn all low vibrations with which I am in contact."

2. White Sage:

   - Take white sage in your hand, symbolising purification.

   - Pray to the Spirit of Sage for purification and removal of any impure energies.

   - Smudge yourself, other beings in the room, and the room itself, directing your intention of purification.

3. Relaxation:

   - Sit comfortably and enter a state of relaxation.

   - Breathe for 5 minutes at a pace of 6 seconds inhale, 2 seconds exhale, increasing your alertness and raising your energy.

4. Prayer to Archangel Michael:

   - Pray to Archangel Michael to burn everything that does not serve.

   - Ask for the guidance of unfavourable energies to the Source so they can continue the 

evolution of their soul.

5. Visualisation of the Blue Lightning:

   - With each breath, visualise the Blue Lightning of Archangel Michael filling you with its energy.

   - Spread it throughout the entire room and yourself.

   - Thank Archangel Michael for this protection and power.

Remember that the key elements are focusing on intention, emotional involvement, and a deep belief in what you are doing.

The Ritual of the Violet Flame is a beautiful way to enhance protection and balance energy. As always, feel free to adapt this ritual to your personal beliefs and needs. Here is the transformation of this ritual:

1. Light the Candle:

   - Choose a candle in the color violet.

   - As you light it, say: "Miraculous Element of Fire, I ask you today to radiate protective 

      light and strengthen my aura as well as the aura of this place."

2. Palo Santo Wood:

   - Take Palo Santo wood in your hand, symbolising balance and energy reinforcement.

   - Pray to the Spirit of Palo Santo for balancing and strengthening energy.

   - Smudge yourself, other beings in the room, and the room itself, 

      with full commitment to the intention of strengthening energy.

3. Relaxation:

   - Sit comfortably and enter a state of relaxation.

   - Breathe for 5 minutes with the following pattern: 2 seconds inhale, 4 seconds hold breath, 

      8 seconds exhale. This breathing pattern will induce a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

4. Prayer to Archangel Zadkiel:

   - Pray to Archangel Zadkiel to transform all negative energy into positive energy.


5. Visualization of the Violet Flame:

   - With each subsequent breath, visualize how the Violet Flame of Archangel Zadkiel fills you.

   - Fill the room and all beings in it with this imaginary Violet Flame.

   - Thank Archangel Zadkiel for assistance and for the Violet Flame.

Additionally, there are several ways to strengthen your spiritual energy:

- Practice meditation and pranayama.

- Use affirmations about your own strength, for example, "I am a powerful, spiritual being."

- Celibacy and the transmutation of sexual energy into other energies, such as healing or vital energy.

- Elevate energy through physical activities like strenuous exercise, yoga, running, etc.

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