Saturn, Cronus, and Satan: Understanding the Meaning of Life's Challenges
AstroForecast for 20-27.03.2024.
Pluto: your shadow self, repressed trauma, and self-control.
Venus and Mars begin the new cycle! [21-24.02.2024] This transit marks a cosmic union of the masculine and feminine.
Twelfth astrological house: secrets of your soul.
Eleventh astrological house: dreams and hopes.
Tenth astrological house: achievements & career.
Ninth astrological house: expansion and philosophy.
Eighth astrological house: circulation of energy.
Seventh astrological house: the lover and the enemy.
Sixth astrological house: body-mind balance.
Fifth astrological house: creativity and fun.
Fourth astrological house: your privacy & ancestors.
Third astrological house: daily life and routines.
Second astrological house: values and resources.
First astrological house: body, personality.
Astro Houses: medium coeli - imum coeli axis.
Astro Houses: Ascendent - Descendent axis.
Pisces: mutable water of unity and spirituality.
Aquarius: fixed air of invention and evolution.